Monday, June 27, 2011

CheeseCake yang memang sedap

hari sabtu aritu, ade order dari asha. kwn asha dtg ambik CheeseCake kat rumah. thanks ye.
oreo cheesecake with blueberry topping.

dan hari ni plak, order dari kak nor cerrm oreo cheesecake with strawberry topping, dan nurul kimia, oreo cheesecake with choc topping. kul 4.30ptg nanti sy hantar ye. thanks tau order. sementara tunggu kek sampai, tgk gambar dlu ye. hihih

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Monday, June 27, 2011

CheeseCake yang memang sedap

hari sabtu aritu, ade order dari asha. kwn asha dtg ambik CheeseCake kat rumah. thanks ye.
oreo cheesecake with blueberry topping.

dan hari ni plak, order dari kak nor cerrm oreo cheesecake with strawberry topping, dan nurul kimia, oreo cheesecake with choc topping. kul 4.30ptg nanti sy hantar ye. thanks tau order. sementara tunggu kek sampai, tgk gambar dlu ye. hihih

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